Frequently Asked Questions

How can a Reliability company help my business?

-We study equipment life cycles and perform analysis that allow businesses to make more informed decisions on equipment investments and maintaining assets. A reliability specialist is an expert at identifying potential issues and equipment failure prevention. We also provide guidance and support for breakdowns that do occur.  
-GROWTH IN SALES: Companies adopting a Reliability-Centered Maintenance program are discovering increased equipment runtimes, leading to increase in production.  

How did SOCISE begin?

Large corporations have dedicated well-funded resources to developing and implementing reliability departments that fit their specific needs. SOCISE was founded to provide the same service, catering to small and medium size businesses at affordable rates. SOCISE offers a customizable approach to reliability and maintenance that allows businesses to pick and choose what services best support their operations goals. Contact us today for a quote.

Do you perform routine maintenance?

Yes!  If your business is having a difficult time finding qualified maintenance technicians to conduct routine preventative maintenance on your equipment? SOCISE can help. We offer custom maintenance service packages that will fit any budget.

Is my company too small for your services?

No company is “too small” , if your company depends on any equipment for operational needs, then it is worth your time to set up an onsite visit.  

What are the rates of your services?

Call for a general quote or schedule a site visit to discuss options tailored to meet you business needs. 

Are you insured?

Yes! we are fully insured and can provide proof of insurance upon request.

Does SOCISE respond to emergency equipment failures?

Yes! SOCISE can respond to emergency equipment failures and unscheduled downtime events to ensure the security of the personnel, environment and the equipment.  SOCISE will also work with Maintenance and Operational groups to determine priorities, group direction and future failure prevention. 

Can SOCISE help new companies with technical procedures and employee development?

SOCISE offers written technical procedures and site-specific training for companies that are committed to developing skilled labor in-house.